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Writer's picturePaul Lacorte



May 9, 2022

Thank you for considering the use of DF5 to improve the performance of your vehicle or equipment. To help demonstrate the ability of the product to save fuel, reduce emissions, and provide the additional benefits this novel fuel modifier can deliver, the manufacturer has created a trial program to enable you to experience the power of DF5 firsthand.

We have developed the following process to enable a risk-free trial experience:

1. Sales Agent is required to register the Customer account and obtain approval for the trial program

participation of the customer. There are no commissions paid to Sales Agents for Trials.

2. The number of trial units offered to a customer is limited.

3. Review the DF5 Trial Program Overview and the forms attached to this package.

4. Complete and execute the attached Purchase Order to the SynerX, LLC. The payment terms and

conditions are included in the Purchase Order. There is a 25% deposit required as our experience

documents that unless a company as a bit of ‘skin in the game’...the program all too often fails.

5. Gather at least 10 days of pre-trial fuel consumption, mileage per gallon or gallons per hour data,

DEF consumption (where used) and DPF (diesel particulate filter) forced regen information to

serve as a baseline for comparison.

6. Populate the top section of the Trial form (two versions are attached – one for a vehicle and one

for generators, marine, and heavy equipment). Photographs of the initial odometer reading

before the addition of DF5 and any fuel consumption data should be attached.

7. Complete the Trial Program Log daily and submit the results via email to: Mr. Jan Levine at and your Sales Representative. Photographs of the daily odometer reading, fuel

consumption, and MPG or GPH data should be attached. A Notes section is included for any

comments you may have.

8. In general, it takes about 1,800 gallons of fuel use to obtain optimal results, so (1) 72-ounce bottle

of DF5 is the suggested amount for each large diesel engine or vehicle.

9. For large generators, marine diesels, and drilling/fracking equipment, we also require HP/H

(Horsepower per Hour), average RMPs, running hours per day, and total fuel used per day.

10. If you are not satisfied that the product does not provide at least a 10% fuel savings while

reducing ‘re-gens’ by at least 40%, return the unused portion to the Shipped From address, and

the invoice will be canceled.

11. Assuming that the product does perform as expected, the balance of the invoice will be due on

the 30th day after delivery or become part of a larger order at an agreed-upon unit price.

12. If the Trial Information is not submitted as required, the invoice will become due and payable on

demand. SynerX, LLC Charlotte, NC 28204 336.313.9396

13. Once ounce of DF5 treats 25 gallons of fuel (diesel, gasoline, or biofuel). A conversion chart is

included as an attachment to allow you to determine the proper dose of DF5 based on the amount

of fuel you add to your tank. It is highly recommended that, after recording your baseline data,

that you start with a full tank of fuel. Too much or too little DF5 will not yield the desired results.

14. The recommended alternative is to add our Titration System to the order. See details attached.

15. Please contact your sales representative with any questions.

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